- Any project that involves the collection or use of data from human subjects (e.g. surveys, focus groups, clinical data) for the purposes of creating/ generalizing knowledge or disseminating through presentation/ publication must have IRB decision prior to data collection.
- All students and co-investigators must complete and complete Module 5, Social/Behavioral Research for Other research personnel)
- Faculty advisor must serve as PI for IRB application
Clinical Service/ Screening activities (e.g. Blood pressures, school physicals, vaccinations):
- Student participants must be properly trained for the tasks they are to perform
- All clinical service must be directly supervised by a licensed practitioner
- Procedures should be clearly outlined in advance (e.g. informed consent, equipment used, process, follow-up of abnormal tests, anticipated emergencies).
- Equipment standards: What equipment used? Maintained by whom? Calibrated when/how/by whom?
- Follow-up procedures for individuals who screen positive
- Urgent vs. non-urgent (who, where – include name/contact info of practitioner who will follow-up; notification process)
- Counseling procedure (who, what info)
- Documentation process (including data storage and confidentiality)
Health Education (e.g. school-based, health fairs)
- Student educators must be properly trained/ adequately prepared to provide community-based education, including:
- Orientation to the education/literacy levels and content knowledge of the target audience
- Background preparation on the topic to be covered
- Training in culturally and literacy appropriate community education methods
- Materials should be approved by a faculty advisor for appropriateness, relevance, accuracy
- Students may not provide specific medical advice to an individual patient without direct faculty supervision