Ronald Burklund Eich Biorepository & Clinical Database
The LaBahn Pancreatic Cancer Program supports an integrated biobank with an extensive biorepository and robust clinical database. The Ronald Burklund Eich biorepository captures samples from a broad spectrum of diseases including: benign lesions, pre-malignant tumors, and malignant tumors. Serial longitudinal blood samples are collected starting at screening, into diagnosis, during/after treatment, and even post-mortem. The database centralizes storage of patient data and encompasses variables such as demographics, lab results, treatment specifics, outcomes and more. The biorepository is a key feature of the program that drives research initiatives from early detection biomarkers and drug optimization, to disease progression studies.
Investigators that are interested in requesting specimen or data should complete the below form:
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Specimen Collection
Quick Facts
About our Specimen
- Tissue specimens are collected when a patient undergoes a surgical procedure.
- Blood products are taken and banked by research staff only during routine lab draw.
- For patients who have a diagnosis that is potentially related to pancreatic cancer, we may collect specimens during those standard of care procedures.
Specimen types collected
- Blood plasma
- Blood serum
- Tumor tissue
- Normal tissue
Biorepository Oversight
Mohammed Aldakkak
Assistant Professor
Division of Surgical Oncology
General Inquires
Questions or Inquires
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