
ӰԺ Vascular & Interventional Radiology Division

Vascular and Interventional Radiology Division

The Vascular & Interventional Radiology (VIR) Division faculty currently consists of ten full-time fellowship-trained, CAQ Board Certified Interventional Radiologists and a team of Advanced Practice Providers.

We have a well-rounded clinical practice covering the full spectrum of interventional radiology procedures. We have an active outpatient clinical practice where we see approximately 140 patients monthly. Our outpatients are seen in the VIR Clinic located on the 4th floor of the Center for Advanced Care building, and in our VIR Oncology Clinic located on the 2nd floor of the Clinical Cancer Center in the Courage Clinic. All patients are evaluated by faculty physicians in clinic and may be presented at multidisciplinary clinical conference to determine the best possible course of action for the patient.

Our practice has many unique qualities, not the least of which is its relationship with the Division of Vascular Surgery. This relationship allows for the collegial combined medical and procedural care of patients with vascular disease. We have two hybrid operating rooms that allow us to perform combined vascular surgery/interventional radiology procedures such as endovascular aortic aneurysm repair in an operating room setting, while maintaining high quality imaging.

We perform all other diagnostic and therapeutic IR procedures except for cardiac catheterizations and neuro-interventions. Examples of such IR procedures include visceral and renal angiography as well as lower extremity revascularization procedures including thrombolysis, angioplasty and stenting. We also perform procedures such as inferior vena cava filter placement and retrieval, Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt (TIPS), musculoskeletal interventions and uterine fibroid embolization. We are one of the few sites in the nation performing imaging guided focused ultrasound procedures, which is currently offered for palliation of painful bone metastases and uterine fibroids.

We have developed a very active interventional oncology service providing primary patient-centered evaluation and image-guided therapies including chemoembolization, TheraSphere and SIR-Sphere radioembolizations, Drug Eluting Bead Transarterial Chemoembolization (DEB-TACE), radiofrequency and microwave ablation and cryoablation procedures.

Our division is fully integrated with the other subspecialties within the Department of Radiology such as digital imaging, chest and GI radiology. We have an active nonvascular service which performs all percutaneous liver procedures including transhepatic cholangiography, biliary drainage, biliary/ductal dilatation/stenting, and percutaneous genitourinary procedures.

At the ӰԺ, the Division of Vascular & Interventional Radiology is active in clinical research trials with enrollment in several clinical trials. We have a dedicated research coordinator that helps recruit for and run these trials. Because research is so critical to the advancement of our specialty, one of our ten faculty member spends 50% of her time on research endeavors.

Meet Our Team

Make an appointment at (414) 777-1900.


Robert A. Beres, MD

Associate Professor


Mircea M. Cristescu, MD

Assistant Professor


Mustafa Haddad, MD

Assistant Professor


Brandon Key, MD

Assistant Professor


Parag J. Patel, MD, MS, FSIR

Professor; Vice Chair

Program Director, Integrated Interventional Radiology; Associate Program Director, Independent Interventional Radiology; Associate Program Director, Diagnostic Radiology Residency


William S. Rilling, MD, FSIR

Vice Chair, Professor


Matthew J. Scheidt, MD, FSIR

Associate Professor

Program Director, Independent Interventional Radiology; Associate Program Director, Integrated Interventional Radiology


Kaila Redifer Tremblay, MD

Assistant Professor; Assistant Program Director, Integrated Interventional Radiology; Assistant Program Director, Independent Interventional Radiology