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Academic and Student Services

Office of Measurement and Evaluation

The mission of the Office of Measurement and Evaluation (OME) is to consult with faculty, residents and students and provide assessment of undergraduate and graduate medical education outcomes. The OME provides reports on course and faculty evaluations, student performance, and institutional surveys. The OME will collaborate on and provide analytical support for medical education projects for peer-reviewed conference presentations and journal publications.

Our Services

Faculty and Residents
Provide consultation on program evaluation using multi-method approaches, which includes quantitative and qualitative design.

Student Pathways
Assist students with methodological and analytical support on Pathways projects.

Create and manage all student performance, faculty, and course evaluations and generate reports based on the outcomes for departments and committees.

Provide expertise for creating and implementing reliable and validated instruments using item response theory, factor analysis, categorical data analysis, and general/generalized linear models which increases the quality of examination and survey data.

Make original and collaborative contributions to the field of medical education through authorship of peer-reviewed journal articles and international, national and regional conference presentations. Mixed-methods studies which require integrated elements of quantitative and qualitative analysis will be completed by the independent project analytical division (IPAD) which is an interdepartmental collaboration of OME and qualitative analysts.

Journal Publications


McCarthy J, Porada K, Treat R. Educational Podcast Impact on Student Study Habits and Exam Performance. Fam Med 2023 Jan;55(1):34-37.


Sumski CA, Singh A, Rogers A, Treat R, Bergstrom C. Cardiac Physical Exam Skills and Auscultation Session for Pediatric Interns. MedEdPORTAL. 2022;18:11289.

Vartanian H, Chou E, Pape Z, DeMuth M, Treat R, Korek S, Twenty Questions: Increased Frequency of Social Determinants of Health Addressed with Interprofessional Student Teams in a Simulated Interview with Standardized Patients, Journal of Interprofessional Education and Practice December 2022;29.

Miles N, Evans S, Treat R, Beran B. A Low Fidelity Model for Office Based Hysteroscopy with a Vaginoscopic Approach. J Minim Invasive Gynecol 2022 Sep 29.

Conger R, Treat R, Hofmeister S, The Importance of Correctional Health Care Curricula in Medical Education. J Correct Health Care. 2022 Apr;28(2):84-89.

Kaljo K, Ngui EM, Treat R, Rader JS, Student-centered Pipeline to Advance Research in Cancer Careers (SPARCC): Diversifying the Clinical Cancer Research Workforce, J Cancer Educ. 2022 Jan 26.


Kruper A, Domeyer-Klenske A, Treat R, Pilarski A, Kaljo K. Secondary Traumatic Stress in Ob-Gyn: A Mixed Methods Analysis Assessing Physician Impact and Needs. J Surg Educ. 2021 May-Jun;78(3):1024-1034.

Vepraskas SH, Lauck S, Hadjiev J, Porada K, Toth H, Treat R, Weisgerber M. Developing Validity Evidence for a Patient- and Family-Centered Rounds Presenter Empowerment Action Rating Tool. Acad Pediatr. 2021 04;21(3):569-574.

Graff CJ, Kaljo K, Treat RW, Dielentheis K. The Adaptive Learner: How Faculty and Medical Students' Perceptions of Learning Needs and Desires Differ. WMJ. 2021 Apr;120(1):8-16.

Thompson Rodriguez K, Ponkratz A, Gallagher M, Treat R, St Clair NE, Chou E, Lauck SM. Establishment and Retrospective Analysis of a Pilot Peer Mentorship Program. WMJ. 2021 Apr;120(1):17-22.

Treat R, Hueston WJ, Fritz J, Prunuske A, Hanke CJ. Medical Student Burnout as Impacted by Trait Emotional Intelligence - Moderated by Three-Year and Four-Year Medical Degree Programs and Gender, WMJ. 2021 Oct;120(3):188-194.


Blank JJ, Krausert TB, Olson LR, Goldblatt MI, Lewis BD, Redlich PN, Treat R, Kastenmeier AS, Resident Perception of Fundamental Endoscopic Skills Exam: A Single Institution's Experience, Surg Endosc 2020 Jan 10.

McMillan R, Redlich PN, Treat R, Goldblatt MI, Carver T, Dodgion CM, Peschman JR, Davis CS, Alizadegan S, Grushka J, Olson L, Krausert T, Lewis B, Malinowski MJ, Incoming Residents' Knot-Tying and Suturing Skills: Are Medical School Boot Camps Sufficient? Am J Surg 2020 Jan 21.

Hueston WJ, Treat R. Medical Education with 3-Year Regional Campuses: Do They Attract a Different Type of Applicant? WMJ. 2020 Mar;119(1):22-25.

Saudek K, Rogers A, Treat R, Pilon C, Auble B, Hahn D, Schuh A, Weisgerber M, A 3-Year Longitudinal Study Evaluating Predictors of Overall Resident Performance. J Grad Med Educ 2020 Jun;12(3):357-358

Campbell BH, Treat R, Johnson B, Derse AR. Creating Reflective Space for Reflective and "Unreflective" Medical Students: Exploring Seminal Moments in a Large-Group Writing Session. Acad Med. 2020 06;95(6):882-887.

Saudek K, Treat R, Rogers A, Hahn D, Lauck S, Saudek D, Weisgerber M. A novel faculty development tool for writing a letter of recommendation. PLoS One. 2020;15(12):e0244016. PMCID: PMC7743943


Cohen GA, Nocton JJ, Treat R, , WMJ. 2019 Feb;118(1):271-274.

Magner K, Bragg D, Treat R, Lee KJ, .  J Clin Nurs. 2019 May.


Kastenmeier AS, Redlich PN, Fihn C, Treat R, Chou R, Homel A, Lewis BD, .  Am J Surg 2018 Jul;216(1):160-166.

Saudek K, Saudek D, Treat R, Bartz P, Weigert R, Weisgerber M, , J Grad Med Educ 2018 Jun;10(3):261-266

Tews M, Treat R, . West J Emerg Med. 2018 Jan;19(1):137-138.

Conference Presentations


Treat R, Gerdes A, Prunuske A, Kavanaugh R, The Strategy of Rapid Innovations for an Institutional Healthcare Education Research Conference, Central Group on Educational Affairs Annual Spring Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, 04/18/2023 - 04/20/2023

Treat R, Fritz J, Prunuske A, Kaljo K, Hanke C, The Impact of Medical Student Introversion on Happiness, Central Group on Educational Affairs Annual Spring Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, 04/18/2023 - 04/20/2023

Treat R, Fritz J, Prunuske A, Hanke C, Kaljo K, Medical Student Motivation Impacted by Personal Values and Year-in-School, Central Group on Educational Affairs Annual Spring Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, 04/18/2023 - 04/20/2023

Georgeades C, Treat R, Amendola A, Peschman J, Redlich P, Malinowski M, Assessment of the Educational Value of Mock Oral Competency Exams for Surgical Interns, Association for Surgical Education Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, 04/11/2023 - 04/15/2023

Treat R, Bozic L, Rzepka L, Quirk Q, Outcomes of a Healthcare Education Research Conference Using Innovative Communication Methods, University of Southern California Innovations in Medical Education Annual Conference, Virtual, 02/16/2023 - 02/17/2023

Wilbanks M, Hurst R, Yang T, Treat R, See One, Do One, Write One: Outcomes of a Novel Simulation Curriculum Using Student-Designed Cases, International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare, Orlando, FL, 01/21/2023 - 01/25/2023


Johnston B, Bauer L, Barenboim H, Treat R, Hamberger K, Development and Pilot Validation of TICOF: A Trauma Informed Care Observational Rubric Form, North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, 11/18/2022 - 11/22/2022

Treat R, Hanke C, Prunuske A, Fritz J, Kaljo K, Falk-Steinmetz M, Multilayer Perceptron Analysis of Medical Student Burnout as Impacted by Resilience, Association of American Medical Colleges Learn Serve Lead Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, 11/11/2022 - 11/15/2022

Treat R, Prunuske A, Fritz J, Hanke C, Kaljo K, Falk-Steinmetz M, Assessing the Relationship of Medical Student Emotional Valence and Stability, Association of American Medical Colleges Learn Serve Lead Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, 11/11/2022 - 11/15/2022

Rings Miller R, Kaupla G, Saltness R, The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Medical Student Evaluations of Housestaff Teaching, 2022 果冻影院 Innovations in Healthcare Education Research Conference, Virtual, 09/20/2022 - 09/22/2022.

Treat R, Prunuske A, Gerdes A, Kavanaugh R, Deploying Virtual Reality Speed Poster Sessions in a Medical School Healthcare Education Research Online Conference, Association for Medical Education in Europe Annual Conference, Lyon, France, 08/27/2022 - 08/31/2022

Treat R, Fritz J, Prunuske A, Kaljo K, Hanke C, Falk-Steinmetz M, Having Purpose can Mediate the Trait Effects of Medical Student Personality on Motivation, International Association of Medical Science Educators Annual Conference, Denver, CO, 06/04/2022 - 06/07/2022

Treat R, Prunuske A, Fritz J, Hanke C, Kaljo K, Falk-Steinmetz M, Medical Student Assertiveness and the Impact of Personality and Gender, International Association of Medical Science Educators Annual Conference, Denver, CO, 06/04/2022 - 06/07/2022

Wilbanks MD, Hurst R, Yang T, Treat R, See One, Do One, Write One: A Novel Student-Designed Simulation Experience in an Emergency Medicine Elective, Society of Academic Emergency Medicine Great Plains Regional Meeting, Milwaukee, WI, 09/07/2022 - 09/08/2022

Bhagat G, Robinson E, Treat R, Phelan M, Use of Transesophageal Echocardiography in Ultrasound Fellowship Programs, Wisconsin Chapter American College of Emergency Physicians Spring Symposium, Milwaukee, WI, 04/20/2022 - 04/21/2022

Treat R, Fritz J, Prunuske A, Hanke C, Kaljo K, Falk-Steinmetz M, The Impact of Medical Student Resilience on Academic Self-Efficacy and the Moderation Effects of Gender, Central Group on Educational Affairs Annual Spring Meeting, Virtual, 03/30/2022 - 03/31/2022

Treat R, Hanke C, Kaljo K, Fritz J, Prunuske A, Falk-Steinmetz M, Relational Analysis of Medical Student Values and Self-Esteem across Time, Central Group on Educational Affairs Annual Spring Meeting, Virtual, 03/30/2022 - 03/31/2022

Treat R, Prunuske A, Gerdes A, Kavanaugh R, Integrating Virtual Reality in an Institutional Healthcare Education Research Online Conference, Central Group on Educational Affairs Annual Spring Meeting, Virtual, 03/30/2022 - 03/31/2022

Cianciolo AT, O’Brien B, Klamen DL, Mellinger J, Patel S, Dunnington K, Treat R, Beyond Professionalism: Exploring a Data Science of Character in Medicine, Central Group on Educational Affairs Annual Spring Meeting, Virtual, 03/30/2022 - 03/31/2022

Treat R, Prunuske A, Fritz JD, Kaljo K, Hanke C, Neural Network Analysis of Medical Student Personality, Gender, and Perspective Taking, University of Southern California Innovations in Medical Education Annual Conference, Virtual, 02/17/2022 - 02/18/2022

Liu JM, Weston BW, Treat R, Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on EMS Operations, National Association of EMS Physicians Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, 01/10/2022 - 01/15/2022


Treat R, Falk-Steinmetz M, Crawford C, Kaljo K, Analyzing the Impact of Personality on Autonomy and the Mediator Role of Motivation, International Association of Medical Science Educators Annual Conference, Virtual, 06/12/2021 - 06/17/2021

Treat R, Fritz J, Prunuske A, Hueston WJ, Kaljo K, Hanke C, Falk-Steinmetz M, Analysis of the Relationship of Medical Student Personal Distress and Emotion Regulation using Machine Learning, International Association of Medical Science Educators Annual Conference, Virtual, 06/12/2021 - 06/17/2021

Treat R, Falk-Steinmetz M, Crawford C, Kaljo K, Mixed Methods Analysis of the Impact of Medical Student Self-Efficacy and Metacognition on Motivation, Association for Medical Education in Europe Annual Conference, Virtual, 08/27/2021 - 08/30/2021

Turner H, Treat R, Redlich P, Rossi P, Brown K, Malinowski M, Effect of Structured Cadaver Dissection on the Durability of Anatomic Learning in Surgery Residents, Association for Medical Education in Europe Annual Conference, Virtual, 08/27/2021 - 08/30/2021

Treat R, Falk-Steinmetz M, Crawford C, Kaljo K, Analysis of Medical Student Metacognition and the Impact of Motivation and Emotional Stability, University of Southern California Innovations in Medical Education Annual Conference, Virtual, 02/18/2021 - 02/19/2021

Treat R, Kaljo K, Prunuske A, Hanke C, Hueston WJ, Falk-Steinmetz M, Fritz J, Medical Student Social Awareness as Impacted by Anxiety and Personality across Time, University of Southern California Innovations in Medical Education Annual Conference, Virtual, 02/18/2021 - 02/19/2021

Treat R, Kaupla G, Naber L, Hueston WJ, Stretching the Limits of an Analytical Model from the US MCAT to the Medical Resident Step 3 Exam, University of Southern California Innovations in Medical Education Annual Conference, Virtual, 02/18/2021 - 02/19/2021

Treat R, Corliss SB, De Jong PGM, Gabbur N, Hall E, Hasbrouck C, Haughton M, Hurtubise L, Kochhar K, Stoddard HA, Stratton TD, Wyatt T, Innovative Strategies Implemented in the 2020 Online Generalists in Medical Education Conference to Enhance Virtual Meeting Experience, Group on Educational Affairs Joint Regional Conference, Virtual, 04/20/2021 - 04/22/2021

Treat R, Falk-Steinmetz M, Crawford C, Kaljo K, Analysis of Medical Student Metacognitive Strategies for Correcting Comprehension and Performance Errors, Group on Educational Affairs Joint Regional Conference, Virtual, 04/20/2021 - 04/22/2021

Treat R, Fritz J, Prunuske A, Hanke C, Kaljo K, Falk-Steinmetz M, Hueston WJ, Neural Network Analysis of Medical Student Burnout as Impacted by Emotion, Group on Educational Affairs Joint Regional Conference, Virtual, 04/20/2021 - 04/22/2021


Treat R, Falk-Steinmetz M, Fritz J, Prunuske A, Hueston WJ, Kaljo K, Hanke C, Predictive Differences of Medical Student Emotional Intelligence on Perspective-Taking at Three-Year Medical Degree Programs, International Association of Medical Science Educators Annual Conference, Virtual, 06/15/2020 - 06/18/2020

Treat R, Hueston WJ, Prunuske A, Fritz J, Kaljo K, Hanke C, Falk-Steinmetz M, Predictive Differences of Medical Student Personal and Social Values on Authenticity across Time, International Association of Medical Science Educators Annual Conference, Virtual, 06/15/2020 - 06/18/2020

Treat R, Kaljo K, Falk-Steinmetz M, Crawford C, Medical Student Metacognition: The Predictive Personality Facets of Conscientiousness and Emotional Stability, International Association of Medical Science Educators Annual Conference, Virtual, 06/15/2020 - 06/18/2020

Treat R, Kaupla G, Johnson L, Hueston WJ, Calibration and Predictive Capacity of NBME Comprehensive Clinical Science Examination and Basic Science Course Scores for USMLE Step 2-CK Examination, International Association of Medical Science Educators Annual Conference, Virtual, 06/15/2020 - 06/18/2020

Kaupla G, Treat R, Johnson L, Hueston WJ, USMLE Step 2-CK and the Predictive Capacity of the NBME Comprehensive Clinical Science Examination, The Generalists in Medical Education Annual Meeting, Virtual, 11/11/2020 - 11/13/2020

Treat R, Kaljo K, Falk-Steinmetz M, Crawford C, Medical Student Metacognition and the Impact of Personality and Autonomy: A Mixed Methods Inquiry, Association of American Medical Colleges Annual Meeting, Virtual, 11/16/2020 - 11/18/2020

Treat R, Kaupla G, Johnson L, Hueston WJ, 2010-2019 Ten-Year Longitudinal Analysis of US Medical College Admissions Test and USMLE Step Scores, Association of American Medical Colleges Annual Meeting, Virtual, 11/16/2020 - 11/18/2020

Treat R, Prunuske A, Fritz J, Hanke C, Kaljo K, Falk-Steinmetz M, Hueston WJ, Neural Network Analysis of Medical Student Empathy as Predicted by Emotional Risk Factors, Association of American Medical Colleges Annual Meeting, Virtual, 11/16/2020 - 11/18/2020

Johnson L, Treat R, Kaupla G, Hueston WJ, Predicting the USMLE Step 1 Exam Scores from Grid-Calibrated NBME Comprehensive Basic Science Exam Domains for Three-Year and Four-Year Medical Degree Programs, Central Group on Educational Affairs Annual Spring Meeting, Virtual Compendium, 04/01/2020 - 04/03/2020

Johnson L, Treat R, Kaupla G, Regional Variation Across the United States in Resident Self-Assessment as Compared to their Peers using ACGME Competencies, Central Group on Educational Affairs Annual Spring Meeting, Virtual Compendium, 04/01/2020 - 04/03/2020

Johnson L, Treat R, Kaupla G, The Impact of First-Year Medical School Student's Lecture Attendance on Course Evaluation Outcomes, Central Group on Educational Affairs Annual Spring Meeting, Virtual Compendium, 04/01/2020 - 04/03/2020

Treat R, Falk-Steinmetz M, Fritz J, Kaljo K, Prunuske A, Hanke C, Hueston WJ, Analysis of the Impact of Medical Student Traits on Self-Esteem between Three-Year and Four-Year Medical Degree Programs, Central Group on Educational Affairs Annual Spring Meeting, Virtual Compendium, 04/01/2020 - 04/03/2020

Treat R, Kaljo K, Apps J, Thapa B, Quirk K, The Impact of Stress and Personality on Faculty Resilience as Mediated by Character Strengths and Reflexivity, Central Group on Educational Affairs Annual Spring Meeting, Virtual Compendium, 04/01/2020 - 04/03/2020

Treat R, Prunuske A, Clevert Z, Hueston WJ, Reflections of an Evolving Local Innovations in Healthcare Education Research Conference, Central Group on Educational Affairs Annual Spring Meeting, Virtual Compendium, 04/01/2020 - 04/03/2020


Kaupla G, Treat R, Bigelow M, Analyzing First-Year Medical Resident Self-Assessed Performance vs. Program Director Assessments, Central Group on Educational Affairs Annual Spring Meeting, Grand Rapids, MI, 03/27/2019 - 03/29/2019.

Kaupla G, Treat R, Bigelow M, Residency Program Director’s Perception of Graduates of a New Medical School Curriculum, Association of American Medical Colleges Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, 11/08/2019 - 11/12/2019.

Treat R, Prunuske A, Hueston WJ, Brown D, Hanke C, Fritz JD, Kaljo K, De Roo K, Falk-Steinmetz M, Analysis of Student Adaptability to the First Year in Medical School: A Facet of Emotional Intelligence Guided by Personal Traits Over Time, Central Group on Educational Affairs Annual Spring Meeting, Grand Rapids, MI, 03/27/2019 - 03/29/2019

Treat R, Kaljo K, Apps J, Thapa B, Quirk K, Faculty Grit, Reflexivity, and Character Strengths: Opposing Elements, Association of American Medical Colleges Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, 11/08/2019 - 11/12/2019.



Treat R, Hueston WJ, Prunuske A, Brown D, De Roo K, Kaljo K, Hanke C, Bragg D, Analysis of Medical Student Motivation and its Association to Resilience, Trait Affect, and Gender, International Association of Medical Science Educators Annual Conference, Henderson, NV, 06/09/2018 - 06/12/2018.

Treat R, Kaljo K, De Roo K, Fritz J, Hanke C, Hueston WJ, The Mediation of Medical Student Trait-Affect and Resilience with Trait-Emotional Intelligence, Association for Medical Education in Europe Annual Conference, Basel, Switzerland, 08/25/2018 - 08/29/2018.

Contact Us

Robert Treat, PhD
Associate Professor and Director
(414) 955-4867


Greg Kaupla
Database Analyst II
(414) 955-8216

Lindsey Naber
Educational Analyst I
(414) 955-8693
