What is the email address of the development department at ӰԺ?
What is the mailing address of the development department at ӰԺ?
The mailing address of the development department at ӰԺ is:
Attn: Office of Institutional Advancement
P.O. Box 26509
Milwaukee, WI 53226-0509
Does ӰԺ accept online donations?
Yes, ӰԺ accepts online donations.
Does ӰԺ accept donations by mail?
Yes, ӰԺ accepts donations by mail. You can mail a check to the address below.
Attn: Office of Institutional Advancement
P.O. Box 26509
Milwaukee, WI 53226-0509
Please make checks payable to the ӰԺ.
Are contributions to ӰԺ Tax-deductible?
Yes, contributions to ӰԺ are tax-deductible.
Can my gift be automatically deducted from my credit card or checking account?
Yes, your gift can be automatically deducted from your credit card. No your gift cannot be automatically deducted from your checking account.
How do I make a gift in honor or memory of someone?
You can make a gift in honor or memory of someone through our online donation form.
Can I include information on memorial gifts to ӰԺ in an obituary?
Yes, you can include information on memorial gifts to ӰԺ in an obituary. When writing an obituary, include the line, "In lieu of flowers, memorial gifts in support of (optional designation such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, or Alzheimer's) research" when mailing your check to the ӰԺ.
Does ӰԺ allow companies to match individual gifts?
Yes, ӰԺ allows companies to match individual gifts to ӰԺ.
Can I include ӰԺ in my long-term estate or financial plans?
Yes, you can include ӰԺ in your long-term estate or financial plans.
How do I donate my body to the ӰԺ?