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ӰԺ Pharmacy School - Experiential Education Curriculum

Experiential education is a major component of the PharmD program, comprising over 30% of the total curriculum. Often referred to as “rotations,” Experiential Education provides students with opportunities to integrate and apply their didactic classroom knowledge into practice experiences. The experiential education component of our curriculum is divided into three parts, totaling over 2000 internship hours:

Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experiences (IPPEs)
During IPPE rotations, students will begin to understand the roles of the pharmacist in direct-patient care and will expand their drug and disease-state knowledge. Additionally, they will begin to develop practical, critical and life-long learning skills. Students will complete a minimum of 560 IPPE hours comprised of two community pharmacy rotations, two hospital pharmacy rotations and two elective rotations.  Additionally, students will complete at least one interprofessional practice experience (IPE) rotation where they will be precepted by a health professional other than a pharmacist. The IPE rotation will provide students with an opportunity to engage and collaborate with other healthcare disciplines, such as medicine, nursing, advanced practice providers, physical and occupational therapy and dietetics.  

Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences (APPEs)
Students will complete four required and three elective APPE rotations during their third professional year. During APPE rotation experiences, students are immersed into the practice setting full-time (40 hours/week). APPE rotations provide exposure to pharmacy specialties and innovative practice, giving insight into the profession and guiding your future as a pharmacist. 

Our Partners

Located on the prestigious Milwaukee Regional Medical Center campus, students will have the opportunity to rotate through a variety of clinical sites, including: Froedtert Hospital, Children’s Wisconsin, and the Clement J. Zablocki VA Medical Center. In addition, students will have opportunities at a variety of community, hospital and institutional sites across the state of Wisconsin. 


Froedtert Hospital and Froedtert Health

Children's Wisconsin

Children's Wisconsin

Clement J Zablocki VA Medical Center

Clement J. Zablocki VA Medical Center

Meet the Experiential Education Team


Ciara Beckers, MBA

Program Manager for Experiential Education


Lisa Brauer, BSPharm, RPh

Assistant Director for Experiential Education


Niki Karp

Administrative Associate


Jody Nordby, PharmD

Experiential Education Specialist


Stacy A. Reid, PharmD, BCPS

Assistant Dean of Experiential Education and Assistant Professor

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